Do you have HolzFassBars in stock?
No. We create all HolzFassBars on customer request, so we do not have stock.
Exceptionally, it may happen that we have a piece available, you can check that here.

Is there a showroom where finished HolzFassBars can be viewed?
No. Since we create all HolzFassBars at the express request of the customer, there are no stock items that we can display.

How does the ordering process work for you?
You can find the necessary information under order process.

Do you do the HolzFassBars full-time?
No. We do the HolzFassBars part-time.

How long does it take to complete a HolzFassBar?
Since we make all HolzFassBars to order and the work is done in our spare time, you can expect a delivery time from order of about six to eight weeks.

Ideally, a certain flexibility is brought with an order, since professionally / privately something can always come in between, which could delay the completion. We have still finished every ordered HolzFassBar.

Accordingly, we cannot realize short-term orders for a near deadline within one, two weeks.